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Results of the EXCEL NextPerception consortium project were assessed as very good
CEO Mikko Saajanlehto was presenting eLive’s part in the final review of the EXCEL NextPerception consortium project on September 13−15. in Turin, Italy. The project’s
News room

Publication from eLive and research partners: “HealthGate: Unobtrusive Home Monitoring of Vital Signs, Weight and Mobility of the Elderly.”
eLive has been involved in the ECSEL NextPerception consortium project bringing new generation non-contact measurement technology for health and well-being applications. One of the project’s

eLive Ecosystem Oy received the Innovation Award 2022
eLive Ecosystem Oy received the Innovation Award 2022, awarded by the Savonlinnan Seudun Yrittäjät (Savonlinna Region Entrepreneurs) and the city of Savonlinna. The justifications include

eLive moved to the technology center Elektronia
Due to the strong growth and the development prospects, eLive’s operations moved to the technology center Elektronia in Savonlinna’s Hernemäki. In Elektronia eLive has more

eLive Ecosystem Oy strengthened its Board of Directors and shareholder base
RELEASE eLive Ecosystem Oy strengthened its Board of Directors and shareholder base The rapidly growing and internationalizing eLive Ecosystem Oy has strengthened its board and